Anxiety. Is the IRS going to show up and take my house or car? Will the IRS shut down my business or take my paycheck?
Fearing the IRS affects health, work, and relationships. You get letters, but what do they mean? The letters appear to tell you that you are in serious trouble and that the IRS is about to levy (or seize) your property, such as wages, bank accounts, and other investments. Can they just do it?
No. The IRS must first give you the written notice required by Internal Revenue Code Sections 6330 and 6331. The letter is usually sent certified mail and will clearly state: FINAL NOTICE OF INTENT TO LEVY AND NOTICE OF YOUR RIGHT TO A HEARING.
You will usually get four notices from the IRS before you get the Final Notice of Intent to Levy. None of these prior notices allow the IRS to seize your property. However, that does not mean they are not important! Open your mail and save it for your tax professional.
Don’t let wage garnishment or delinquent taxes weigh you down any longer. If you’re dealing with tax issues and need help with IRS, contact tax resolution services today. You can end the tax trouble with audit resolution and more.