When the IRS sends you to collections, it means you have overdue taxes you still haven’t paid after sending you a bill, and they’re now taking active steps to collect the money you owe, including any penalties and interest. The IRS will either try to recover the money themselves, or in limited circumstances, assign private […]
Posts Tagged ‘tax debt’
A Summary of the IRS Fresh Start Initiative Recently, you may have heard a lot about the Fresh Start Initiative in radio ads, tv advertisements, online and more—like it is some recent change the IRS made. In reality, the IRS officially launched the Fresh Start initiative (FSI) in 2011 in order to help taxpayers get […]
Consumers would do almost anything than pay their taxes, according to a new survey, even if it meant shaving their heads, foregoing the internet and social media for a year, or having the same song stuck in their heads. The survey, from the online marketplace Offers.com, polled more than 1,000 consumers across the country. It […]
When the IRS comes around to collect, sooner or later you’re going to have to face the music. If you play games with the tax collector, the system is designed to make your life miserable. So here are ten things to remember when you owe the IRS: Don’t ignore any IRS notices. More people get […]