When the IRS sends you to collections, it means you have overdue taxes you still haven’t paid after sending you a bill, and they’re now taking active steps to collect the money you owe, including any penalties and interest. The IRS will either try to recover the money themselves, or in limited circumstances, assign private […]
Posts Tagged ‘IRS collections’
Will my IRS debt ever just go away? Will there ever be a time that the IRS will just leave me alone? Yes, and yes. The collection of most every IRS debt eventually ends, and that would include yours. This is called the statute of limitations on IRS collections. The Internal Revenue Code gives the […]
When the IRS comes around to collect, sooner or later you’re going to have to face the music. If you play games with the tax collector, the system is designed to make your life miserable. So here are ten things to remember when you owe the IRS: Don’t ignore any IRS notices. More people get […]
If your Collection Statute Expiration Date (CSED) is near, the IRS may act aggressively to get you to pay as much as possible before the deadline or agree to extend it.