In order to combat confusion and to serve the tax payer, the IRS put together a Taxpayer Bill of Rights earlier this year. It’s important to know that you do have rights and your tax attorney can help you fight for them. Hopefully, by understanding your rights as a taxpayer in regards to the IRS, you can resolve any tax dilemmas as quickly as possible.
Your first right as a taxpayer is to know exactly what you need to do to comply with tax laws. You are entitled to a clear explanation of the law, relevant procedures, forms, publications, notices, and correspondence.
Your second right is to be treated in a prompt, courteous, and professional manner by IRS employees. You should have every expectation clear and precise communications. If you feel that this standard of services has not been met you have the right to speak to a supervisor about inadequate service.
You have the right to pay no more than the correct amount of tax including interests and penalties. You should be able expect that the IRS will apply all tax payments properly.
If you have objections to formal IRS actions or proposal, you have the right to raise those objections with the IRS and provide documentation. In response, you can expect that the IRS will consider your objections, and review the documentation in timely manner and receive a response if the IRS does not agree.
You have the right to appeal most IRS decisions in an independent forum such as the Office of Appeals, or take your case to the courts.
You have the right to know the maximum amount of time you have to challenge the IRS’s position, the maximum amount of time the IRS has to audit a particular year, and the right to know when the IRS has finished an audit.
You have the right to privacy. Any IRS inquiry, examination, or enforcement will comply with the law and be minimally intrusive. The IRS will respect due process including the search and seizure of property.
You have the right to confidentiality. You have the right to expect that the IRS will not disclose any information unless authorized by you or is mandated by law. You can also expect that appropriate action will be taken against anyone who misuses tax information
You have the right to have your attorney represent your interests to the IRS. If you cannot afford representation, you have the right to seek assistance from a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic.
You have the right to expect the IRS to consider facts and circumstances that might affect your underlying liabilities, ability to pay, or ability to provide timely information. You have the right to receive assistance from the Taxpayer Advocate service if you having financial difficulty or if the IRS cannot resolve your tax issue promptly and timely through normal channels.
Regardless of whatever issue you are facing with the IRS you have rights to be treated fairly and professionally. Your tax attorney can help you fight for your rights and provide counsel for the most obstreperous situation. To learn more about our services call: 913-735-4829.