When the IRS sends you to collections, it means you have overdue taxes you still haven’t paid after sending you a bill, and they’re now taking active steps to collect the money you owe, including any penalties and interest. The IRS will either try to recover the money themselves, or in limited circumstances, assign private […]
Posts Tagged ‘Kansas City Tax Lawyer’
The IRS officially launched the Fresh Start initiative (FSI) in 2011 in order to help taxpayers get a “fresh start” with their tax debt. The goal of the program was to help taxpayers and small businesses with paying back taxes and avoiding tax liens. It was expanded in 2012, with new changes to existing resolutions […]
Before the IRS can levy a taxpayer on an outstanding balance, it must issue a series of notices or letters regarding the outstanding balance due. A taxpayer will receive their first notice regarding a balance due after the tax has been assessed, i.e, after the return is filed or an audit is concluded. If the […]
The Internal Revenue Service, along with state tax authorities and the tax preparation industry, are cautioning businesses to beware of an email phishing scam using a corporate officer’s name asking for employee W-2 forms from payroll and human resources departments at companies. The IRS said Wednesday it has been hearing complaints this week the email […]
Evolution of Income Tax in America While taxes paid by American colonists to Great Britain were one of the main reasons for the Declaration of Independence and ultimately the Revolutionary War, America’s Founding Fathers knew that our young country would need taxes for essential items such as roads and especially defense. Providing the framework for taxation, they included procedures for […]
Gym, Tan, Laundry – and Tax: Jersey Shore’s “The Situation” Charged with Failure to Pay Taxes (From Accounting Today) Jersey Shore’s Michael “The Situation” Sorrentino and his brother Marc are due in court to face an indictment alleging they failed to pay taxes on $8.9 million in income that Michael received from promotional activities, according […]